Friday 16 March 2018

Project litovel

The company SEV Litovel s. Pro - ject for the Austrian company Pro - Ject Audio Systems. Complete product assortment . Gramofonové přístroje řady Pro - Ject spoluvytvářela a odebírá rakouská firma Pro - Ject Audio Systems. Dodává je mimo jiné do Anglie, USA, Německa a jiné trhy. V České republice se naše gramofonové přístroje prodávají . Test unitaire des platines vinyles en fin de montage. Pro - Ject products are the result of an exemplary cooperation within a rapidly uniting Europe.

This plant is one of the most advanced manufacturers of precision mechanics in the country . Jun Certainly the women assembling Pro - Ject turntables in the former Tesla factory in Litovel , Czech Republic, found the whole business of being repeatedly photographed the subject of hilarity in some cases, and a major annoyance in others. I have a fine set of pictures of their backs! Shortly after the fall of the Berlin Wall, at a time when European factories were closing in droves, founder Heinz Lichtenegger went against the herd and bought a turntable factory in the small Czech town of Litovel. Retaining the experienced staff and re-imagining classic . Pro- Ject has its 20th anniversary this year.

This Austrian-Czech company grew out of a dream of one man, Heinz Lichtenegger, the Austrian who found a place he could make the dream come true in Litovel , near Prague. As I wrote in my “ Audio” review of the Thorens TD-170-turntable, this world leader in turntable . They also toured the original Pro - Ject factory in Litovel , Czech Republic as well . Manufactured and designed in Litovel , to the east of Prague, Project offer a range of turntables and. Jun We took a trip to the Czech Republic where Pro - Ject opened the doors of its Litovel factory (east of the country) for us. Since the Austrian company owns a record player factory in this region, well known for its beer, Litovel has therefore two local specialities, beer and record players, there will be enough . Pro - Ject turntables and arms are made by SEV Litovel in the Czech Republic as are Music Hall, EAT, mid price Thorens models like the 3and many others.

Other surviving parts of Tesla are KR Audio and JJ Electronic. Beginning in the 90s, Pro - Ject has always sought to bring proper high end vinyl sound to the low end and midrange market. It was our vision, our project , to bring back this great sound that everyone knew and loved. Today, still manufacturing from that same little factory in the Czech town of Litovel , Pro - Ject is one of the . Naše nabídka gramofonů patří nepochybně k nejširší na trhu.

Můžete si vybrat z produktů značek Pro - Ject a Lenco. Rakouská firma Pro - Ject patří k absolutní světové špičce ve výrobě gramofonů pro hifi a high end aplikace. Majiteli a zakladateli firmy Heinzi Lichteneggerovi se podařilo navázat na tradici výroby gramofonů v . Oct Všechny činnosti se dnes týkají téměř výhradně gramofonů Pro - Ject , jakkoliv se zde dělají i některé další produkty. Měli jsem možnost navštívit litovelskou výrobnu a projít její prostory od základů po střechu.

Co nás překvapilo jako první ? Inu, řekněme velmi ortodoxní způsob, kterým firma funguje zjevně už . Litovel is a town in the Olomouc Region of the Czech Republic. It has around 10inhabitants. Litovel lies in Upper-Morava Vale (Czech: Hornomoravský úval), 2metres above the sea level. Thanks to its rich history Litovel has many historical monuments.

It is a new building equipped with school canteen, sports hall, swimming pool and sports playgrounds. Elementary School is focusing on present . These days the company sells 40turntables a year – not mention 250of its phono preamplifiers so far – , but it all started because so much music was available almost free in secondhand and charity shops, discarded by people .

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