Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Apropos meaning

Перевод контекст apropos c английский на русский от Reverso Context: apropos of, apropos of nothing. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. What does apropos of expression mean?

English dictionary definition of apropos. Fitting and to the point. Regarding or concerning.

Jeremy Harding, Diary, London Review of Books, 33. The definition of apropos is something that is connected to a certain situation. If a lawyer refers to a previous court ruling in a similar case, that referral would be apropos to the current case.

A check arriving in the mail the day before your rent is . In such cases, appropriate is a perfectly good replacement. Still, this use of apropos is common that we might simply have to accept that the word . Apropos is often misused in place of appropriate. Synonyms for apropos at Thesaurus.

Dictionary and Word of the Day.

Meaning of apropos and a memory aid (called Mnemonic) to retain that meaning for long time in our memory. Video shows what apropos means. Of an appropriate or pertinent nature.

Толковый словарь иностранных слов Л. Изучение английских слов в контексте книг и субтитров онлайн. Перевод слова apropos с английского на русский по словарю Мюллера. Because my bills were due, the financial gift from my father arrived apropos. While the words may seem a bit strange, they are apropos and relate to the topic we are discussing. Примеры перевода, содержащие „ apropos “ – Русско-английский словарь и система поиска по миллионам русских переводов.

In computing, apropos is a command to search the man page files in Unix and Unix-like operating systems. It is particularly useful when searching for commands without knowing their exact names. Русский перевод слова apropos , транскрипция, произношение, синонимы, устойчивые фразы и примеры предложений.

Бесплатный Online-словарь Translate. Поиск по специализированным словарям, грамматика, произношение, транскрипция и правила . Online অভিধান। Providing the maximum meaning of a word by combining the best sources with us. Being at once opportune and to the point.

Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions.

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