Tuesday 9 August 2016


Населення Сіднея багатонаціональне і космополітичне, мешканці називаються англ. Сідней є столицею штату Новий Південний Уельс. The settlers were mostly convicts from crowded . Sydney is the capital city of New South Wales.

Сидней является столицей штата Новый Южный Уэльс. Medibank International — професійний щорічний тенісний турнір, який проводиться на початку року в Сіднеї. Турнір включає як чоловічні, так і жіночі змагання в одиночному і парному розрядах. More contrasting temperatures are recorded in the inland western suburbs.

Although there is no distinct . There are more high rise buildings . Its graduates are additionally ranked the . Международный теннисный турнир в Сиднее (Австралия) — профессиональный теннисный турнир, проводимый в январе в Сиднее ( Австралия) на хардовых кортах местного NSW Tennis Centre. It is now part of the Australian Technology Network of universities. The locality is of mixed use with residential, education, media, . It stretches from George Street in the west to Macquarie Street in the east. The street was originally named Bell Street.

It is named after Governor Hunter, the second Governor of New South Wales. A contemporary view of . Se on myös Uuden Etelä-Walesin osavaltion pääkaupunki. Se on rakennettu Port Jacksonin luonnonsataman ympärille, minkä vuoksi kaupunkia on joskus kutsuttu Harbour . Close to the CBD in particular, the street is lined with numerous shops, bars and nightclubs. Bridge Street runs for 5metres (6ft) in an west-east direction with traffic flowing in both directions.

It is situated in the northern portion of the central business district. The western terminus of Bridge Street is at George. This eviction and later . Part of the lighting festival also includes performances from local and international musicians and an ideas exchange forum featuring public talks and debates from leading creative thinkers.

It is located on Pitt Street Mall and is adjacent to the Mid City Centre, The Strand Arcade and Stockland Glasshouse. With floors (including mezzanines) and a .

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