Monday, 7 July 2014

Vanity meaning

How to use Vanity in a sentence. Failure to be elected was a great blow to his vanity. English dictionary definition of vanity. See Synonyms at conceit. Something about which one is vain or.

Vanity is the quality of being vain , or having a ridiculous amount of pride. If you have excessive vanity in your appearance, you probably spend long hours sitting at your vanity table doing your makeup or plucking your nose hairs. Перевод контекст vanity c английский на русский от Reverso Context: vanity fair. Video shows what vanity means.

Define vanity (noun) and get synonyms. Perhaps this was the reason that a certain piece of bedroom furniture is called a . What is Vanity, Vanities ?

As FumbleFingers notes in a comment, people rarely use the noun vanity to mean futility these days. That meaning is largely obsolete. We do still use the adjective vain to mean futile.

As in, He made a vain effort to climb the mountain. KJV Dictionary Definition : vanity. Fruitless desire or endeavor.

Vanity possesseth many who are desirous to know the certainty of things to come. Synonyms, Antonyms, Derived Terms, Anagrams and senses of vanity. Meaning and Definition of vanity. A dressing table used to apply makeup, preen, and coif hair.

The table is normally quite low and similar to a desk, with drawers and one or more mirrors on top. Either a chair or bench is used to sit upon. A washbasin installed into a . Translation, human translation, automatic translation. Next : vanity bagPrevious : vanish.

Bangla Academy Dictionary: Nearby Words: van van guard vana cava vanadium vandal vandalise.

Merriam Webster.

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